Shaping Digital Classes
The main aim of "Shaping Digital Skills" is to support the professional development of trainers to expand and develop their digital skills for teaching.
This project aims to promote the digital competence frameworks published by the Commison and the informally acquired, yet accredited, skills amongst trainers.
And last but not least, the project improves the quality of future learning opportunities in our educational system with special regards to language teaching for migrants.
Shaping Digital Classes creates free, open and and easy-to-follow tutorials for language trainers..
Providing both trainers with limited digital competences and trainers with intermediate competences to participate in online tutorials on topics such as searching, selecting, using and creating digital materials. The tutorials include badges and certificates for the acquired skills.
The final outcome, The Shaping Digital Classes online platform, will be an easy-to-use online platform for teachers that will guide aducators through their digital competence assessment process. It will contain video tutorials explaining how to use or adapt existing online materials for language courses and how to create new customized digital materials for classes.
The project is mainly targeting educators, trainers & education providers.
The team:
iberika educational group GmbH Germany -
Active Citizens Partnership Greece -
Instituto de Ensenanzas a Distancia de Andalucia (IEDA)
Online Teacher Training May 4-6th, 2020
We don't know if it's a mere coincidence or a taste of the future, but in the middle of Corona times we have received 100% online training, precisely to promote digital education.
During the first week of May, we invited our teachers to an intense three-day digital training about the creation of content in our online courses using the Moodle platform. While this training was originally scheduled as an in-person training, due to the current situation, our partners quickly adapted and rearranged the training as a digital course making use of webinars and Moodle to show first-hand how remote learning works.
During the training, we learned about the different layouts that Moodle offers. Additionally we worked with complementary software such as digital whiteboards, software to create eye-catching presentations that can be shared with our students and video call software that complements the Moodle educational model.
On the last day the participating teachers created and edited videos as supplementary material for digital classes, all as part of our project "Shaping Digital Classes”.
For Iberika, this type of training is fundamental to the constant training of our teachers, especially in times of Corona in which we continue offering digital classes through the Moodle platform. Even if the Corona crisis finishes soon, the future of education is still digital.
Project number: 2019-1-DE02-KA204-006258